Things I Found This Week:

18 Feb

Alright, because there are a lot of things that I post to facebook but I don’t get to talk about, here’s a list of cool things I’ve seen this week that shouldn’t be missed!

  1. In a breathtanking sad and beautiful article, Tom Chiarella interviews Liam Neeson for Esquire about the death of his wife for the first time. Neeson, whose voice alone is iconic, speaks gracefully and honestly as I’ve ever heard anyone speak of the grieving process.
  2. On a much happier note! Someone made this: A what-if-there-had-been with a NES game of The Great Gatsby. Check it out here! It’s actually a lot of fun too.
  3. Felicia Day, queen of all things geeky, will be part of a Dragon Age web-series. I refuse to watch until I get to play Dragon Age, but how cool is that? An article here.
  4. Okay, to be fair, I’ve seen this before… but it’s just so cool every time I see it! Etsy artist ArtAkimbo‘s wall tentacles:It’s like living in an undersea adventure movie!

That’s it for me this week! You see anything cool I left out?

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